Dj an I met at a birthday party for my cousin Jeremy at Smith Cross Roads, i was 13 years old and Dj was 14, at the time Dj and i wanted nothing to do with each other. 2015 i got a DM of a TBH Dj had done for me. One message after another we stayed up all night talking to each other. Decemeber 29, 2015 Dj asked me to be his girlfriend in his room, of course i said yes. 2 years passed full of adventures and pictures lots of pictures! In fact i had scheduled christmas pictures with Billy Jo December 17, 2017. i got ready to leave to go to lacrosse to get Sidney Shell to do my makeup dj says hes not going with me. we always ride together but i didnt think to much of it. I left went and got my makeup done and went to the spot Billy Jo told us to meet at. Pictures were at 4.. I get there at 3:45 and Dj is nowhere to be seen or heard from. I start to get aggervated, i’m apologizing to Billy Jo for dj’s tardiness.. time passes and i still do not know where he is. 4:30 comes around and i can hear his truck driving down the dirt road. Ahh okay we’re going to be okay not to late. Billy Jo has us pose in several different positions.. i think it was our 6th or 7th posing position and Billy Jo has me turn my back to Dj and face his truck, with one hand on my hip and my left foot out with my shoulders rolled out. I stood in that position for what felt like forever waiting for her to position Dj. Billy Jo then proceeds to tell me to turn around, i turn around to Dj on one knee asking me to marry him. Decemeber 17, 2017 at 4:45pm i got engaged to my bestfriend. We’ve been engaged 3 years because i vowed to finish RDH school before planning and having a wedding because who wants to do homework on there honeymoon right? We got engaged at 18 & 19 and will be 22 and 23 when we get married. I always wanted to be able to grow old and grow up with my bestfriend and my God has allowed me to do so. We can’t wait to share our special day and beginning of a new beginning with you.