Follow me to Tennessee!! CHA is 29 minutes from Howe Farms and approximately 8 minutes from the hotel. The Bride and the Groom recommend our guests flying into Chattanooga.
Rocky Top, you'll always be!! TYS is 1 hour and 26 minutes from Howe Farms and approximately 1 hour and 27 minutes from the hotel.
Be more like Dolly!! BNA is 2 hours and 30 minutes from Howe Farms and approximately 2 hours and 7 minutes from the hotel.
Please use the group code GGSWB when booking. You can also follow the link to book a room online. The Bride and Groom plan to stay here the night of the wedding! Parking is offered onsite: Self parking is $16.00 a day or valet for $22 a day.
Please use the link below to book a room at this amazing hotel. To secure a room with the rate the Bride and Groom Blocked, please book by November 3rd, 2023!
December 2, 2023 3:15 pm - 11:00 pm
The Bride and Groom will be providing transportation to and from the venue for our guests. The shuttle will pick guests up from the Chattanoogan Hotel and Westin Hotel and drop them back off after the reception. If you plan to do any drinking, we would love for you to take the shuttle! Also, uber does not pick up from our venue, if you do not plan to take the shuttle then please plan accordingly:) More details will be provided as we get closer.