November 2, 2019
Willow Spring, Nc

Brittany & Zachary



Zachary Siebelink


Brittany Gordon


November 2, 2019

Willow Spring, Nc

Our Story

We met through friends and they were trying to hook us up. Brittany didnt want a relationship at the time. We then lost touch and a year later Brittany reached out to Zach and to tell him she was with her friend and her friends boyfriend asked if he wanted to hangout. Zach said yes we hung out then Brittany started falling for zach. Brittany told him to keep in touch. We then went on a double date later on in the month to ice skating which was amazing. We laughed an had a good time. Later that night zach asked Brittany to be his girlfriend and the rest is history. Four and half years later we are marrying each other!

Our Proposal

I surprised Zach wirh a trip to Disney World for our Four year anniversary. Little did i know he planned a surprise for me. We got to disney thursday night relax in hotel and our bestfriends met us there. We all four got up early friday an enjoyed a day at Hollywood Studios. Saturday comes around an we got up early once again. We went to breakfest and my friend an i were just talking an zach didnt say one word. I thought he was sick because he was saying how he didnt feel good. We got on the bus to Magic Kingdom and he still didnt say a word. I was getting worried that the day wasnt gonna be good because he didnt feel good. We arrived at Magic Kingdom at 7:30 am and we waited in line to get our bags checked and then go through the gate. They were letting people in up until the castle until they completely opened at 9 AM. We went an got pictures taking in front of the castle. The four us got in took our photos and then it was zach and I. We took like 7 photos and i thought we were done i started to walk away then the lady taking our photos says one more. I turn around and as i am turning around he is getting down on one knee and i start covering my face because i am so shocked and happy! Needless to say i know why he didnt talk that morninf bscause he was nervous. The rest of the day was wonderful! I was so happy an over joyed!

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