No, it is not a requirement at this time. However, we do ask that if you feel sick or notice any symptoms (headache, sore throat, fever, chills, nausea, body aches) the week and/or day of the wedding, please remain home. We would rather be safe, than sorry!
Masks are not currently a state requirement for indoor weddings. However, we encourage the use of masks while entering & exiting facilities. Or, while sitting in close proximity to others outside of your household. Here is some information that can be helpful. Improve how your mask helps you: Mask up, Mask Right:,9753,7-406-100997_100998---,00.html What mask should I wear:
As much as we want to, the bride and groom will refrain from hugs & kisses! We greatly appreciate you keeping us safe & healthy by maintaining social distance. We would love an air-hug, wave hello, elbow tap, bow, courtesy, namaste, etc. Thank you so much for your help in making sure we stay well as we embark on our honeymoon travels!
We found a new hit song called 'The Git Up' dance. We would like it if people would join in. We look forward to seeing you on the dance floor! Here is a link to a great beginner tutorial: