Enjoy the river rink and beautiful views of Delaware River.
Arthur's Favorite Spot. Let your inner nerd out!
Christina's never been. You can be more well-traveled than her.
Our favorite ice cream flavor: Honeycomb!
Sadly no K-town in Philly. But boba, hand-pulled noodles and chinese bakery galore!
Food stalls: clam chowder, cheese steaks and peking ducks But our fav -> Beiler's Donuts (an Amish bakery - closed on Sunday!)
Szechuan Food: Where Christina had lunch for the first time with Stephen's Family
On our to-go list! Boast best Israeli food in the city
Cozy hole-in-a-wall sushi spot. Try the tuna dumplings!
First date spot in Philly for Stephen and Christina. He wooed her with the Kennett Square mushroom soup and home-made hummus sampler.