We met on a hot sunny day in Brooklyn at a housewarming party hosted by our friends Jeff and Grace. We were both late (which will shock no one) and passed each other on the sidewalk (because Stephanie was lost) before ending up in the vestibule together to be buzzed up to the party. At the party, Amish spent most of his time chatting up Stephanie, but had to leave early. While in a cab racing towards Manhattan, Amish regretted not getting Stephanie's number. Meanwhile, back at the party, Stephanie mentioned to Jeff that his friend Amish was pretty cute. Jeff smiled when he explained to Stephanie that at the exact same time, Amish had emailed him to ask whether Stephanie was single. A few days later, we met for our first date in The South Street Seaport. On time. Drinks turned into dinner. Stephanie told Amish of her love of Texas music. Amish pretended to be interested. Dinner turned into Harrys. Amish told Stephanie of theories of Quantum Physics. Stephanie pretended to be interested. After many more dates (and nights at Harrys), we still pretend to be interested in country music and Quantum Physics. But that's the only pretending we do around each other now.
Did you know: • About 1 in every 38 people living in the United States resides in New York City. • Based on capacity, 18 percent of New York’s adult population could be safely suspended in elevators at the same time. • New York City gets more inches of rain each year than Seattle. • Most Broadway theaters skip Row I to avoid disappointing people who might think they’ll be sitting in Row 1. • It’s estimated that fewer than 40 people live above 800 feet in the city. • The narrowest townhouse in the city is about 9 feet wide (9 feet 6 inches, to be exact). • New York City homeowners can request that a tree be planted outside their homes for free. • Runners discard about 26 tons of clothing within the first few miles of the New York City Marathon. Source: LinkNYC