Dustin and Taylor were introduced by mutual friends when they were planning to go to Cancun for Spring Break. Dustin and Taylor actually met for the first time at our then favorite bar, the Hotel Julien. They began dating shortly after meeting when Dustin and Taylor spent their first New Year's Eve together and he asked her to be his girlfriend right after their midnight kiss. After graduating together in May of 2014, Taylor moved back to her hometown of Arcadia to figure out what her next career step would be. She quickly realized she wanted to begin her career and life with Dustin in Dubuque and moved back in August of 2014. Dustin began work at Cottingham and Butler as an Insurance Broker while Taylor began graduate school at UW-Madison and worked in various social work roles. Fast forward four years and Taylor and Dustin were able to purchase their first home together and Taylor finished graduate school. To celebrate a busy month of May, Dustin and Taylor finally had a weekend to relax and spend time with one another. The weekend was jokingly referred to as "DustNTaysWkndofFun2k18" in anticipation to spend some quality time together. They planned to go to the Hotel Julien (Dustin knows Taylor loves their mojitos) and then go to dinner at their favorite Dubuque spot, Brazen. It was shortly after Taylor received her mojito that Dustin asked if she wanted to go out on the patio (in the 95 degree heat) and of course she obliged. Walking onto the patio, Dustin shared the memory of meeting for the first time at the Hotel Julien and Taylor thought nothing of it. Dustin led Taylor to roses and champagne where he got down on one knee. Taylor was in so much shock and surprise that she still cannot remember what he said and not sure if she even said "yes." Nonetheless, an argument continues about how fast Taylor "snatched" the ring from Dustin to put it on. We are so excited to be husband and wife and celebrate with all of you!