August 6, 2021
Canton, Massachusetts

Sloane & Julia

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet our family and friends who are walking down the aisle with us!

Kendall Schuchman

Sloane's Bridesmaid

My big sis. Kendall has been there for me since Day One. She pushed our beds together at night when we were little, acted as my interpreter until I learned how to talk, and has my back to this day.

Hudson Schuchman

Sloane's Bridesman

My little brother! He’s not so little anymore, but he’s been my accomplice since he could walk (and maybe before). Sorry Kendall and I filled your diaper with rocks that one time, pal.

Sarah Andrus

Sloane's Bridesmaid

We met in 7th grade in choir class. Sarah was a soprano and I thought I might be a soprano... but I quickly moved to the alto section. However we still became fast friends, and have carried on with our shenanigans throughout middle school, high school, college, trips to Paris and Spain, living together in Jamaica Plain, and now a wedding!

Kristen Cote

Sloane's Bridesmaid

Kristen was a few doors down from me in our dorm freshman year of college (and roommates with Emily!). She invited me into their room to play Uno one night, and that was the start of a beautiful lifelong friendship. Kristen nicknamed me “Shay,” but I thought we nicknamed her Shay, so now we both call each other “Shay.”

Emily Fortin

Sloane's Bridesmaid

Another 2009 blessing! Emily and I met that same first semester at UNH. I was the only girl in a single room in the entire building, and they took me in like a weird blonde stray duckling. Emily hates ketchup with a passion, so I will create a two-foot ketchup barrier around her for the rest of our lives.

Kelley Carvalho

Sloane's Bridesmaid

Kelley joined our freshman year squad one night that the power went out in a huge storm. Somehow we ran into each other in the dark hallway with our flashlights, and she said, “I can tell we’re going to all be best friends.” And I thought she was insane, but here we are twelve years later.

Kate Wilfert

Sloane's Bridesmaid

Kate was a few doors down from my single in Alexander Hall, too. She even accepted my invitation to be my roommate sophomore year—after asking if she could “think about it.” She was even left to her own devices when I got mono halfway through sophomore year and had to go home for almost a month, but she didn’t make me feel bad about it once. Kate always drives us around like her children on our group family vacations, and we love her for it.

Laura Cangiano

Julia's Bridesmaid

My first friend! Laura and I have been getting into trouble together since 1992. Her birthday is a few weeks before mine, and when we were little I needed my own gift on her birthday or I didn't feel like celebrating.

Mark Cangiano

Julia's Bridesman

Mark and I have shared a love for coffee since... probably before we should've been drinking coffee.

Albert Cangiano

Julia's Bridesman

Everyone says Albert and I are twins, even though I'm the oldest and he's the youngest. Our face-swaps are pretty uncanny though—you're welcome.

Daniel Cangiano

Julia's Bridesman

Dan has always loved me, but he loves me even more now that I got my dog (and his best friend), Weenie. PS cut your hair before the wedding or I'll kill you!

For all the days along the way
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