The story begins on a cold and dark Seattle morning (you bet it was raining). By happenstance, two strangers named Grace and Ryan each decided to go see the famous rickety red barn just outside of Seattle. Ryan, an avid climbing enthusiast and rule breaker, started to trek, deciding to bypass all the DO NOT TRESPASS signs, and climbed up to the roof of this red barn. Of course he slipped and fell with no one to help him. At this moment, Grace ran over to see if he was okay. It was *LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT*……. *record scratch* Here’s the real story… Ryan and Grace met over Tinder- a modern day love story. They went on their first date in March 2019 at a bar very close to both their homes in Belltown (because you know, convenience) and bonded over their mutual love of vinyl, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and food. At this point, neither considered that they would eventually become life partners. Back at Grace’s place, Ryan showed her the Allah-Las, Bass Drum of Death, and a handful of other bands no one had heard of while Grace made Ryan listen to her Amy Winehouse and Arctic Monkeys vinyl on her crappy record player (that she got for free- what a bargain!). Even though their music tastes were…different, ultimately, it was their love of music that continued to bring them together. Many shows and concerts later, in August of 2022, Ryan proposed to Grace at her favorite location: the Seattle waterfront pier. That following year, they packed their bags and completed the move to Las Vegas despite multiple U-Haul truck mishaps along the way. After settling in wonderful Summerlin, Nevada, they’re ready to officially start the rest of their lives together.