June 25, 2022
Nashville, TN

Katie & Ricky

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

The Wedding Website of Katie Shoup-Simpkins and Ricky Simpkins
Meet our friends and family that have been with us through our hardest moments and biggest life lessons!

Amanda Shoup

Maid of Honor

Ruining my status as only child 15 months into my run, my sister and I have spent our entire childhood learning, fighting, and loving each other through it all. The first person to truly know how bossy yet protective I am over those closest to me. Amanda is currently in an accelerated nursing program earning her second Bachelor of Science degree! That’s right! My baby sister will have TWO undergraduate degrees and on her way of working towards her dream job of Surgical first assist! She was born to help others with her empathic and caring personality. I’m so happy she will be by my side as my Maid of Honor!

Sam Betts

Best Man

Sam and I met in 7th grade and to be honest, I didn’t like him then. He was the new kid at a small school who just tried way too hard to fit in. But surprisingly feelings change quickly for a 7th grader, who would have thought? This red head quickly became one of my closest and most consistent friends. Fast forward to college and even though we had different majors and joined different fraternities, we still found time to hangout. Sam was there on the day of my engagement and did his best to give nervous me some advice (although it didn’t help much, if anything it made me more nervous since he said I was supposed to have a speech or something). He’s one of my longest running friends that I’ve found I can always rely on which is why he’s my Best Man.

Dr. Lisa Ellis Kennedy


“Hi! I’m Lisa! Today’s my birthday!!” The first words spoken to me on the first day of grad school. I was thinking, “This is way too much chipper energy…let’s play nice and see where it goes.” And that’s how I found my evil twin in the most unexpected way! You wouldn’t know this from her picture, but Lisa and I have a 10 year age gap yet somehow have the deepest and strongest friendship I have ever experienced. She’s helped me through the darkest of times and shown me that I am the light! I wouldn’t have realized how strong, caring, and loving I am without her screaming it at me for the better part of the last 2 years. I’m honored to have Lisa as my friend, classmate, colleague, and bridesmaid!

Bradley Simpkins


Bradley James Simpkins has been my brother for around 22 years. I didn’t get much of a say in that so I guess I kind of just had to live with it. Bradley being the middle child growing up seemed to always be the one that got into trouble and for that I’m thankful for the distraction. Honestly, I think we got closer after I graduated high school. It became easier to relate to each other (we’re both computer nerds so that helps too). I am glad to have him on my groomsman list.

Lt Lauren Potts


Lauren is an absolute ball of sunshine and one of the most caring, loyal friends that I have! We met over 4 years ago when we both started dating boys in the same fraternity (groom and groomsman). We basically lived in the fraternity house together and it was as disgusting as you would think! Lauren is currently stationed at Fort Carson (Colorado) and I miss her every day! Lauren has seen more of mine and Ricky’s relationship than anyone else and there is no one who is as excited for this wedding! I am the most giddy about having her adventurous soul as one of my bridesmaids!

Lt Alec Hart


LT Alec Michael Hart. Engineer. Army Logistical Expert. Confidant. Alec is indirectly responsible for Katie and I getting together. His ex-girlfriend was friends with Katie. It was after they broke up that I met Katie. (Thanks for that man). Alec also took a 5th year with me and Ian since it seems no engineer can graduate on time. He's always approaching me with the next great project idea. If there's one guy I want around for an apocalypse, its this dude. P.S: Alec claims to be Irish even though he's like 6' 4" and has no trace of red hair so we all doubt it, but he embraces the heritage and is the first to buy the group a round at any occasion.

Meg Sutherland


Look out for my future famous friend, Meg Sutherland! Meg and I met through our sorority when we were forced to be roommates in the sorority house. Both of us were hesitant about the arrangement, but we ended up sharing such a close bond and open communication that we decided to room together again the next year. I credit Meg with teaching me that not all conflict is bad conflict and when done properly can open the door for deeper relationships. Over the years I’ve enjoyed attending Meg’s theater performances and even brought Ricky along once. He said he was pleasantly surprised how much he enjoyed it! I can’t wait to say Meg Sutherland was in my wedding one day when she makes it big on Broadway or in the movies!

Nic Cagle


Nic was my pledge class president and did not like me since I always had an excuse not to show up and do the tasks we were assigned to do. And on our first camping trip Nic wasn't invited. Somewhere along the way hearts and minds changed and we invited him on our second trip and he won't let us live it down that he was left out the first time. Since then, Katie and I have come to love Nic and he's been a friend you can rely on. Nic's an entertainer, a chef, and the life of the party. If you don't know him, you'll see what I mean at the wedding.

Laura Fuller


Laura and I met in middle school at some point and bonded over Laura constantly making me cookie cake, specifically when she showed up to my house alone on Halloween to check on me after my ACL surgery. Laura and I have drifted in and out of each other’s lives over the past 8 years, but have bonded over the multiple weddings we have been in together. She’s always been just around the corner if I ever needed her and has constantly reminded me how strong I am while going through her own pregnancy and birth of her sweet baby boy, Colton, during a pandemic! I am beyond proud of her and how she’s grown into a wonderful wife, mother, and, most importantly, my bridesmaid! (Hehe)

Ian Cannon


Ian was the random roommate I ended up getting stuck with freshman year since Sam chose not to room with me. I spent that summer before UT trying to find this man on social media to find out anything about him and I absolutely couldn't find him. If you know anything about Ian he is super quiet but we ended up becoming close especially as we struggled through our engineering classes. He'd wake me up in Econ 201 just in time to answer the clicker questions or when I snored too loud and for that alone I owe him a lot. Plus, he decided to take an extra year of school with me so I'd have some roommates I knew. Thank you Ian.

Whitney Padgett


The future Dr. Whitney Padgett/Richardson, MD. I have always looked up to Whitney! We met my freshman year of college in my sorority. Whitney was a year older and I noticed her at meetings right off the bat by how confident, organized, and put together she was and I knew then that I wanted someone like that to be my Big. It seems so silly now, but I would not have grown into the woman I am today without following in Whitney’s footsteps by living in the Kappa house 3 years straight and being on chapter council and house board 2 years in a row. Those leadership rolls were crucial in my growth! Whitney is currently in medical school at University of Louisville School of Medicine and I’m so proud of her! Fun fact: We will both be in each other’s weddings 1 month apart….wish us luck!

Charles Paul Hale III


Charles Paul Hale the Third. Can you believe that? There’s 3 of them?!? Unfortunately I couldn’t get the First or Second to say yes to coming to the wedding so we’ll have to settle for the Third. CJ and I have always been close since he joined the fraternity. His slow talking southern draw is charismatic and he seems to always have that quip that helps spark the party. He’s a great guy and I’m happy he’ll be up there with me on the wedding day.

For all the days along the way
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