Shiloh and Micah met through a mutual friend named Willis. In their grad year, Willis and Micah decided to be apart of Kelowna Secondary school's archery team, which Shiloh was the captain of. Shiloh was interested in Micah from the get go and was persistent in trying to be noticed by Micah in that way. This lead to an Archery team movie night where Shiloh orchestrated everyone to sit in specific spots so Micah would sit next to her. Her plan worked. They watched Disney's Robin hood (of course) then decided to watch Tangled. Shiloh and Micah sang throughout the movie and duetted "At last I see the light" which is now their song. Micah and Shiloh have been dating for almost 3 years now, with a little 6 month gap in between there.. Shiloh and Micah recognize that their breakup was an unfortunate circumstance but was crucial to where they are today. During those 6 months they were able to learn about themselves and what it means to love someone else well. They both recognize the significance of their faith and Jesus's example of unconditional love.