Back when Shelby had some super smooth texting lines, the two began to talk until they finally hung out two weeks later. Then, Hayden had a super smooth pick up line with asking Shelby to date phrased as: "so ya wanna?" in true UP fashion. From 2013 the two have been together through high school, college, and into the adulting life!
On a birthday weekend to Chicago for Hayden with friends from college, Hayden had a little trick (ring) up his sleeve. A day planned to tour the city and parks because Karina and Sherine had "never been to Chicago in the summer." Little did Shelby know (or realize the many signs that went over her head) that Hayden had mapped out the entire plan to walk by a beautiful fountain that over looked the city and decided it was a great time for a photo op! As he got down on one knee, Shelby and her smooth words came out once again with: "Shut the f*** up!!!!"