Angela and Shelby’s story began during Angela’s mission trip to Barcelona, Spain in 2018. Shelby contacted her online after hearing about her from a mutual friend. They became fast friends and conversation was always easy. They had many shared interests and values, especially sharing a love for God and a desire to serve in His Kingdom. Although they were “close,” one thing was coming between them, distance. Angela in Illinois, and Shelby in Texas, dating would have been difficult, so they remained friends. They continued to encourage and support one another...from a distance. Until one day they decided to give it a go after nearly 4 years of friendship. Angela and Shelby met for the first time in person on his Birthday, October 15th in 2021 and began dating. After a few ups and downs, we fast forward to 2023 where Shelby and Angela reconnected and he later popped the question on February 24th, 2024! Thankfully distance will no longer be an issue after August 31st, 2024 when they will wed and Angela will move to Texas. God truly does tell long stories.