September 3, 2023
Simi Valley, CA

Shayna-Anne & Matthew

    Wedding Party
Colorful brushesAbstract Decor

Wedding Party

Amber Bowerman

Maid of Honor

"From the moment Shayna and I met back at Cleveland High School in the choir room some 13 years ago, no, there was no going back from the start of this beautiful friendship. Shayna is funny, smart, loyal, kind and the best duet partner anyone could ever ask for. I am so lucky and proud to call her my best friend. and I am so happy for her that she met the man of her dreams and is starting this next stage of her life. Congratulations Shayna and Matt!

Steven Shinbane

Best Man

"Matt and I have been best friends for 18+ years having met at Heschel for middle school. From family vacations to the annual Davis volleyball tournaments, we’ve had memories that span over half of our lives. I’m incredibly honored to be his best man and cannot wait to stand by his side and see him tie the knot with Shayna!"

Lauren Ruskin


"I am so lucky to be gaining a sister. I met Shayna thanks to my brother. I am so fortunate that I am not just getting a sister but also a best friend. When I first met you, I immediately told my brother, do not mess this up. You are kind, loving, funny, a great plant and animal mommy, and soon an older sister to someone who does not make you look like a giant. I am excited to officially get to call you my sister and I am blessed beyond words to have you in my life. I love you and welcome to the family, Mrs. Goss!"

Spencer Ruskin


"Matt and I met in USY when we were Juniors in high school. At the time, we lived in different cities and went to different schools but we always managed to keep in touch. After graduating from Veterinarian School, Matt moved to West Hollywood and we picked up right where we left off like nothing had ever changed. Fast forward to today and I’m also married to his sister and part of his family. Being Matt’s brother came naturally considering our friendship over the span of nearly 15 years. What started as sleepovers and XBOX has now become parties in our backyard, living within a mile of each other and the blending of our families."

Cara Flynn


"Shayna and I met on the first day of biology at NMSU when we happened to sit next to each other in lecture and start chatting. On the second day of lecture I walked into the room and Shayna waved me over because she had saved a seat for me, and that's when I knew we were going to be great friends. Over the last 10 years we have entered adulthood together, supported one another through the good and the bad, and eaten way too much ice cream along the way."

Evan Choate


"Just as the brotherhood of the Three Musketeers was forged, Matt and my story (with Steven) starts with the blood, sweat, and tears shed at Heschel Day School in 6th grade. From these early days we were inseparable, from sleepovers with Halo binges and infinite chocolate pancakes, to the soccer fields of Northridge and the tequila volleyball courts of Mexico. Years - and many dinners, comedy shows, New Years bashes, COVID picnics, desert adventures, and laughs - later, we always pick up where we left off. Matt is my most hilarious, loyal, adventurous, and witty friend, and I cannot wait to stand by his side as he marries the perfect match for all these qualities in Shayna."

Paige McNorvell


"From the dark ages of our emo middle school days to college bonfire parties in the desert, Shayna has been the sister I never had. We've been separated by hundreds and hundreds of miles (and an iPod) for longer than any time we've had together, but I am so grateful to have been a part of her crazy beautiful life for the last 15 years."

Tommy Mullin


“Matt and I first met on a volleyball court in high school when we played for the same club team. But our friendship truly started to grow while watching British dog shows late at night when we shared a hotel room in Atlanta at the Junior Olympics. Although we may not have taken home a medal, I walked away winning, with a life long friend.”

William Moore


“Shayna is one of the reasons why I was able to be a successful MICU nurse. She is always able to make a bad situation better. In a stressful unit, Shayna took me under her wing, and made me feel comfortable. Having known her for 7 years, I have to say that I am lucky to have her in my life. She's been through a bunch, which has molded her into the greatest friend, daughter and partner. She is such a caring, loving and great match for Matt. I can't believe where we were to where we are, and I can't be more excited to celebrate another win for her!”

Jeremy Bacharach


“I’ve always looked up to Matt when we were younger, mainly because he was always really tall. He taught me all the cool-kid things growing Jewish boys need to know and always made me feel a part of something. It makes me tremendously happy that I get to see my cousin grow into the kind, warm person he is, doing what loves and, now, marrying who he loves.”

For all the days along the way
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