
Shaun & Lisa



House Rabbit Society
I know what you're thinking. Wedding gifts are money for honeymoon trips or things to establish a new home for a burdgeoning new family. Well, we already have our families and homesteads. What's a million times more important to us is BUNNIES. I don't think I need to inform you that we're proud bunny parents but you may not know that we actively try to help rabbits without homes and raise awareness on house rabbit information. House Rabbit Society is a nation wide organization that helps tremendously in saving bunnies and getting the word out. We ask that any gift you were wanting to give to us goes to them. A donation to them would mean the world to us. We don't want anything other than happy bunnies. Thanks! (The link will take you to the a page that the House Rabbit Society has set up for just for us.)
For all the days along the way
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