November 9, 2019
Atlanta, GA

Shannon & Nick

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Paige Lee

Maid of Honor

Paige is my younger sister and my current roomie! We may be COMPLETE opposites, but she always has been and always will be my best friend in the entire world. I may always be giving her unsolicited fashion advice and constantly trying to get her to be more “girly”, but I truly do not know where I would be without her. Paige works as an Audio Programmer with a Media company in Charlotte, NC. When she isn’t at work, you can always find Paige at a music festival, any establishment that is dog friendly, or watching Friends on our couch!

Kelly Lambeth

Matron of Honor

Kelly and I have been friends since birth, literally! There has not been a time in my 27 years on earth that Kelly has not been a part of. From family vacations together, youth group at church, roommates in Tutwiler at The University of Alabama, while also in the same sorority (Zeta Tau Alpha)- Kelly and I have been through it all together! The good, the bad, and the ugly! Kelly currently works in Marketing and lives in Atlanta, GA. She loves chilling at home with her kitty Milo and her husband, Chad, along with spending time at her family's beach house in FL!

Caroline Harris


Caroline and I have known each other since freshman year at The University of Alabama where we met upon joining our sorority. Caroline transferred to College of Charleston after sophomore year and we lost touch for a while until a mutual friend reminded me that she had also moved to Charlotte a few months before I did. Long story short, Coke Consolidated was hiring and Caroline was looking for a job, she got hired in February in 2017 and we picked up right where left off! Caroline would do absolutely anything for anyone and is the best friend a girl could ask for! She is still working at Coke Consolidated and living in Charlotte, NC.

Abbey McCauley


Abbey and I have known each other since we were about 6 years old where we both were on her neighborhood's swim team! However, we became super close freshman year of high school! Since then Abbey and have been like two peas in a pod, despite the fact that we have not lived in the same town since we were 18 years old. Abbey moved to Charleston, SC in college and some of my favorite memories are from the trips I used to take to go visit her! Abbey moved back to Atlanta, GA in 2015 where she currently works in Sales Support at an Alcohol Distributor. Anytime and every time I come back home to visit you can always find Abbey and I getting Mexican food at La Parilla- our second home. Abbey loves going back to Charleston any chance she gets along with spending time with her family!

Maranda Dosal


Maranda and I have been friends since college where we met in Zeta at The University of Alabama as well! We really became close at the beginning of our Junior year, and since then we have been on many adventures together and have many stories that we most likely will never tell our kids! Maranda and I have the exact same personality- loud, crazy, and super passionate about the people we care about! Our relationship has been full of many laughs, many tears, and a lot of yelling, and I would not trade a minute of it! Maranda is a First Grade teacher in Tampa, FL. She and her husband, Stevie love fishing and hunting and they are expecting their first child in June!

Taylor Esdale


Along with some of the other girls, Taylor and I met in our sorority at Alabama freshman year. We weren't all that close until we realized we were neighbors our senior year and shared mutual friends! We used to always meet on Taylor's porch after class and debrief about what we did the night before, what we were going to eat for lunch, and then what we were going to do that night. Taylor and I are both passionate about spicy food and bottomless mimosas! Taylor is one of the most loyal people I have ever met and always gives the best advice! She currently lives in Birmingham, AL with husband, Lawton and their new puppy, Ruthie Grace. Taylor currently works as a Closing Coordinator at a Real Estate Investment company.

Lauren Foley


Lauren and I have been friends since senior year of high school! We met through mutual friends when we both discovered we were going to The University of Alabama together, where she also joined Zeta Tau Alpha. About 95% of the people we meet ask us if we’re twins and after about a year of being asked that same question repeatedly, we finally started telling people yes! Lauren really is like the twin I’ve never had, we both love food and traveling more than anything else in this world! Lauren is in Sales and now lives in Austin, TX.

Juliette Fernandez


Along with a few of my other bridesmaids, Jules and I met at The University of Alabama in our sorority Freshman year! We became super close our Junior year. If we were not meeting up at the Zeta house to have lunch, we were either lounging on my couch or getting pitchers on the roof top patio at The Bear Trap. Juliette is the life of any and every party, she can always make you laugh, and is someone you can always count on no matter the circumstance. She just recently relocated to Manhattan from Tampa, FL where she works in Recruiting at a law firm.

Kristin Spence


Kristin and I have been friends since the 6th grade- we truly have too many stories to count! We have seen each other through every phase of life you can imagine: middle school, high school, family vacations, bad haircuts, bad attitudes, breakups, college life, real life, and everything in between! Kristin and I lived together for 2 years in Atlanta before I moved to Charlotte. Our favorite activity is going through the McDonald’s drive thru and watching the same 4 movies on repeat. Kristin loves spending time with her family and her husband, West! She currently works in Marketing and lives in Atlanta, GA.

Kelsey Galvin


Along with Kristin, Kelsey and I have been friends since the 6th grade and lived two neighborhoods away from one another until we both graduated high school in 2010! Needless to say we spent many nights hanging out in our basements, eating junk food, and sitting on AIM instant messenger all night. Once we got to college we didn’t stay in touch as much as we should have, but when we both graduated and moved back to Atlanta we picked up right where we left off and made up for 4 years of lost time! Kelsey is a Special Ed teacher in Atlanta, GA. She is super passionate about her students, never misses a girls night, and loves to travel with her husband, Nick whenever she gets the chance!

Cici Jacob


Along with Lauren, Cici and I have been friends since senior year of high school! We became super close right before we graduated and also had multiple “Home Besties” reunions with our group of friends from high school every break we had back home from college. After we graduated, Cici moved to Chicago, IL for a few years and I always loved going to visit her once a year (in the summer time of course)! Cici moved back to Atlanta about a year and a half ago and I was so excited to have her back in the South! Cici is currently working in Finance in Atlanta, GA and loves traveling anywhere in the world every chance she gets!

Brad Murphy

Best Man

I met Brad on the playgrounds of West Middleton Elementary School. While we were not immediate friends, we have grown very close over the years. Brad has always been there to lend an ear or provide the honest advice that you needed to hear. We share many of the same interests including a love for Football and Golf. Brad lives in Fitchburg, Wisconsin where he owns a roofing company and also coaches high school football.

Layne Knutson


Layne is not only my younger brother, but also exemplfies what a man is supposed to be. Layne is one of the most talented people that I have ever met. He is the best drummer that I have ever seen. He can also capture amazing moments and memories through the lens of his camera, and knows his way around the kitchen better than anyone I know. Layne and his beautiful wife Karen have been an important part of Shannon and I's life. Layne and his wife currently live in Minneapolis where he is a Marketing and Event Coordinator by day and a drummer by night with two different bands!

Josh Jiru


Josh and I became close during our High School years. Josh is one the smartest people that I know and has started 2 great businesses that he runs himself. His outgoing personality and his ability to communicate with anyone has always been something that I admire. Not to mention his near flawless golf swing (not a long hitter)! Josh has been an amazing father to his son Vince and I am truly honored to have him by my side. Josh currently lives in Madison, Wisconsin where he runs his restaurant, Boar & Barrel.

Mark Moore


I met Mark while he was my supervisor at QuikTrip. We developed a close bond over our love for Golf. Mark has been an unbelievable mentor and friend to me over the years. I honestly wouldn't be were I am today in my life had I not met Mark. I can always count on Mark for 3 things, telling it like it is, lending an ear when needed, and a very competitive golf match. Mark and his wife Kristina currently live in Tulsa, OK where he is a Corporate Sales Manager at QuikTrip.

Rob Purnell


Rob and I developed our friendship while climbing the ranks at QuikTrip. Rob has helped me tremendously in my life and my career by always giving me what I needed. He is one of the most honest people that I know and always tells you what you need to hear even if you may not like it. He has also demonstrated what you should strive to be, a great man, a great father, a great leader, and practicing his faith. Rob and his family live right outside of San Antonio, TX where he is the Personnel Manager for the San Antonio/Austin Division of QuikTrip.

Charles Walker


Charles and I met while he was in charge of training me after becoming a new store manager for QuikTrip. Charles is easily one of the funniest people that I know. We have enjoyed our time together battling it out on the golf course or the Fantasy Football field (3 rings to 2 rings). Charles's ability to manage stress and always remain positive have always been something that I have admired. Charles and his family currently live in Tulsa, OK where he is the Personnel Manager for the Tulsa Division of QuikTrip.

Karle Harriston


Karle and I met during a shift of work at QuikTrip. Karle is probably the best man that I know. I honestly do not think that I have ever seen Karle get upset. He is an amazing father and husband to his wonderful wife Lori. He has gone out of his way on several occasions to come and visit me in the Carolinas. Other than being a NY sports fan I don't think I can find one flaw with him. He is a man that we should all aspire to be. Karle and his family currently live in Atlanta, GA where he is Store Manager at QuikTrip.

Mile Pranjkic


Despite living in and working in the Atlanta Division for years, Mile and I did not meet until we both moved to the Carolinas. Mile has been a great friend over the years and has always been there to lend an ear to whatever I had going on. I look at him more like a brother from another mother. Mile and I have grown closer over the years during our golf outings and throwing weights around in the gym. Mile has a beautiful family including his amazing wife Bonnie, sports star son Daniel, and energetic and amazing daughter Natalie. Mile and his family currently live in Simpsonville, SC where he is a Supervisor at QuikTrip.

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