Maid of Honor
My baby sister! She is my little side kick and I cannot imagine this day without her by my side.
Maid of Honor
Best friends since the womb! Our moms had us a few months apart and we have been best friends ever since. She was the sister I never had the first 10 years of my life, and still a sister today!
My soulmate (sorry Chris). We met freshman year of college and were inseparable for four years. She just moved back to New York to be closer to me!
We became roommates junior year through mutual friends and instantly bonded over a love of Lord of the Rings and shopping trips. Now we love sushi dates and gossiping about Bravo-lebrities.
My first real friend in high school and my first post-grad roomie. We spent most of our days living together watching T Swift videos and drinking wine. She's also an amazing decorator and I'll never have a cuter house than when we lived together!
My work friend turned real friend! We instantly became friends sitting next to each other at M&T, spending 90% of our day talking. Thanks M&T!
My SIL! So thankful to be gaining such an amazing human as my sister-in-law. She's the nicest person I have ever met and she loves wine!
Best Man
Best Man