It's an ALL-WHITE AFFAIR! At our wedding, we want you to be comfortable! Considering the Georgia heat, we are asking ALL our wedding guests to dress CASUAL CHIC IN ALL WHITE.
We have included a list of lodging options that range from mid to high end and hope that you are able to find something soon. Other lodging is available in the area if what we have chosen does not fit your needs or budget.
The ceremony will start promptly at 7pm so we ask that all guest arrive 15 minutes prior to.
As we are getting married in Georgia, and are doing so outside, we do expect the weather to be hot and humid. So, we ask that ALL GUESTS DRESS CASUAL CHIC IN ALL-WHITE!
No. All guests will be responsible for getting themselves to and from hotel.
We're so excited to celebrate this day with our nearest and dearest and are hoping to keep the guest list limited. Thank you for not bringing a guest unless otherwise stated on invitation or approved by us.
This is an ADULT-ONLY Event. So, with respect, we do ask that you make this a date night or getaway. Let loose with us and bring the photos but not the babies.
We have started a cash app for anyone who would like to donate monetarily. The cash app can be found in our registry. We appreciate any and all gifts received. Cash app: $myhardestyawaits23
You can contact Shannon, BJ or Ms Patricia for an invite to our Facebook page. There we will posts updates on the wedding and answer any additional questions you may have. Please look out for a Facebook invite from Hardesty Wedding 07-15-23.