"Sess" and "KB/Kels" first met in the fall of 2018, when Kelsi moved home. They met on the field; Kels playing second/right field, Sess play left-center/left. Casual team support and chatting turned into adding each other on SnapChat to eventually exchanging numbers. Kels continued to Snap and Chat off and on for the following 2 years in hopes to get Sess out to a local bar where they could have some fun and get to know one another in person. Each attempt it seemed, ended in "I'm on nights.." or "I'm so sorry, I'm working!" Time passed. More attempts failed, until an invitation arose to go to a concert at SPAC from some close friends. Kels bought 2 tickets and in turn, extended the invitation of her extra ticket to Sess. Sess accepted, and things finally seemed to be falling into place. The night of the concert, friends gathered together to pregame. As the departure time came closer, there was no word from Sess. Reminders were sent, multiple calls were made...and nothing. Kels brushed away the ghosting and took matters into her own hands...shittydave had been blocked. The night went on with good fun and a side of disappointment. In the days ahead, Dave reached out with apologies that would go unread. An in-person apology was attempted at softball, but kindly dismissed (a.k.a. "It's fine." *Storms away.*). More time would pass and less attempts were made to meet up. Kelsi's grudge was eventually let go and shittydave was re-added as a friend. New Years of 2020 arrived and again, close friends would be spending an evening together. An invitation was extended, and accepted, to go midnight bowling (After all, he owed her!). As midnight arrived, some social pressure was placed on the pair to smooch (Newsflash y'all, it was bound to happen anyway!). Through the month, the two spent more and more time together. A night out was planned with some of Dave's friends and the pair shared shots of tequila and margaritas at one of their (now) favorite spots, Raul's. At the end of the night, Kelsi headed out to return to her dog-sitting gig. Dave walked her out and invited her to a party at his parents (So soon!?). Kelsi would agree, but on one condition - extra invites for their mutual friends. In departing, Dave exited the Jeep and casually added "Bye, love you!" (They weren't even dating!). Dave's time at Finch was now balanced with time at Kelsi's apartment. During the winter weeks, Dave stayed. And well...never left. Dave and Kelsi began to learn more and more about each other. Days at work shifted into nights relaxing on the couch, chatting, sipping wine and bingeing The Circle. On January 23, 2020, in the wee hours of the morning, the pair decided to skip the wait for the feeling of "being ready." They both already enjoyed each other's company, so why not make it (Facebook) official? Over the next 24-48 hours, there were many notifications, questions, and congratulations. Dave moved in to a new apartment. After an emotional day, Kelsi asked "Are you going to ask me to move in?" followed by "I just need to know so I can prepare for that!" (Not forward at all...). Winter progressed and COVID hit. The two had just moved in together. For Kelsi, time at work was now the same as time at home and the new couple quickly adjusted to spending nearly every moment together. Fast forward to November 6, 2022. Kelsi and Dave set off to take family photos with the Sesselman's. Kelsi was assured that all photos would be coached and guided. That is, until their turn as a couple came. One photo was snapped and a simple "Change positions," was directed. In return, Kelsi turned and replied "...to what!?" (After all, that was not a coached position!). Turning back to Dave, she found him on one knee. Completely surprised, Kelsi exclaimed "No you're not!" Dave assured, "Yes I am, I love you so much. Will you marry me?" Tears uncontrollably welled in both their eyes. A "Yes, of course!" was confirmed.