September 18, 2021
Sintra, Portugal

Anastasia & Sebastian

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Photos (Фотографии)

We are rubbish at taking photos together but we have managed to accumulate a few. Несколько фото из нашей коллекции.
Our first Selfie as an engaged couple
Our first Selfie as an engaged couple
With the celebrant during the 2020 Christmas holidays
With the celebrant during the 2020 Christmas holidays
First day in the new house in 2020
First day in the new house in 2020
Weekend away in Barcelona
Weekend away in Barcelona
Co-ordinating outfits in Munich
Co-ordinating outfits in Munich
One of our early photos
One of our early photos
Fancy costume party!
Fancy costume party!
The day Anastasia beat Sebastian in mini golf at Junk Yard golf
The day Anastasia beat Sebastian in mini golf at Junk Yard golf
Being tourists in Bath
Being tourists in Bath
Having a BD steak at Argentinian restaurant in Battersea
Having a BD steak at Argentinian restaurant in Battersea
Fairy pools in Isle of Skye
Fairy pools in Isle of Skye
Company meetings
Company meetings
With Kostya
With Kostya
Being glam in Monaco!
Being glam in Monaco!
Also Monaco
Also Monaco
Monaco again
Monaco again
Beach stroll in Portrugal
Beach stroll in Portrugal
Guess the place
Guess the place
For all the days along the way
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