Cistercian Abbey Parking Main parking for guests is available to the right of the main entrance (labeled in red above). Guests can access the church using a staircase highlighted in yellow. Parking is available closer to the church in Abbey Parking for guests who have trouble walking longer distances (labeled in orange). If the main parking lot is full, additional parking is available in the Upper Parking Lot (labeled in blue). Guests can choose to enter the side or front of church using walking paths shown in yellow. Parking is available at the Gaylord at the following rates: self-park $15 and valet parking $31. Link to Gaylord Texan Resort map:
Cocktail attire
Buses will be departing from the tour bus lobby at the Gaylord starting at 3:15 pm (located to the left of the check in desk past the bell desk when first entering the lobby from valet parking). Buses will wait at Cistercian during the ceremony and begin taking guests back to the Gaylord immediately following the ceremony. A bus will be available for guests staying after the ceremony for family photos.
Cocktail hour will be in Mission Plaza. The reception will be held in the Yellow Rose Ballroom. Signage and staff will be posted to help guide to these locations. A link to a map of the Gaylord: