October 26, 2024 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
There will be one 50 person shuttle for family arriving at the Renaissance at 3:30pm. If you have been contacted about being on this shuttle please be sure to be in the lobby slightly before 3:30 as it will depart promptly at 3:35pm. Secondary shuttle will arrive at the Renaissance at 4:20pm and depart promptly at 4:25pm. A last 30 person trolley will arrive at the Renaissance at 4:30pm and depart promptly at 4:35pm. If you miss any of these trolleys or prefer to go separately, please be sure to Uber/Lyft to Walden to arrive by 4:55pm.
The grooms will be staying at the Renaissance & shuttle service will be offered to & from the hotel. We recommend calling the hotel directly if you have any issues booking online.
Discount Code - Raether / Wiley Room Block
Right down the street from the Renaissance Hotel. We recommend calling the hotel directly if you have any issues booking online.
Discount Code - Raether/Wiley Wedding Room Block
Discount Code - HITCHED1024
October 26, 2024 9:30 pm - 11:45 pm
We are offering a shuttle back to the Renaissance Hotel. The shuttle will make loops back to the hotel beginning at 9:30pm with a second leaving at 10:30pm and last shuttle leaving around 11:45pm.