Our story begins nestled in the hills of the gold country in a small town community of Amador County. Enter two high school freshmen, each from diffrent junior high schools who were fated to meet. One day Lexi decided to transfer into band, and from there the seeds of love were planted. On that fateful day on September 21, 2011 Scott asked , “will you be my girlfriend?” And the rest is history. And now here we are 11 years later more in love than ever about to tie the knot.
It was a few days after my 26th birthday and all I wanted was to enjoy a day out on the beach and my love was amazing enough to take me down there. We ended up at beautiful Wrights Beach in Bodega Bay. Oh man was it a gorgeous day! The sun was shining and the water was blue and the weather was perfect. Scott decided that he wanted to bring his drone with him to fly around. At one point he tells me that he's gonna go draw something in the sand and for me to stay at the bench. I thought, “ ok cool he's gonna draw stuff on the beach and we're gonna get to see it with the drone.” Some time had passed before Scott came strolling up to the bench. He looks at me and goes, “hey babe come here I want you to fly my drone.” At this point I'm nervous because I don't want to break it or anything like that but it turned out to be as simple as pushing down a lever. As I was doing so, I start to see the words, “will you marry me?” And I look over and there he was with the ring in hand. My first reaction was, “Are you serious? ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!” It was a beautiful day that wont be easily forgotten ❤️