Kevin and I grew up in adjacent neighborhoods in Marietta, in the same grade and school from K-12, but never in the same class, and never with a common group of friends. One of my childhood friends actually had a crush on one of Kevin's groomsmen for many years. Skip to Summer 2016. Kevin bought Raleigh and Katie Flowers 4 tickets to Ray LaMontagne for their wedding in January. They asked him to bring someone and join them. Kevin brought Haley Hinson (then, Haley Janas) knowing she also had similar taste in music, and was friends with the couple. After the concert, the 4 decided to go out in the Highlands. Meanwhile, I was out with Laurel at Dark Horse.... In the Highlands. Kevin walked in, saw me at the bar, and we locked eyes. Kevin, Raleigh, Katie and Haley came over and said hello, and Kevin left with my number after many Washington Apple shots. He asked me out for the following Friday- he took me to a restaurant just a few blocks from where we reconnected- The Family Dog, which is still one of our favorite spots. We dated that fall for a few months, buttttt Kevin was enjoying his weekends a little too much (and would like to add that due to a lack of relationship experience, didn't know he was supposed to text me during the week to secure plans and say hello) to start something serious. So it ended. The next summer was mine and Kevin's 10 year high school reunion at The Ivy. We reconnected again and were side by side all evening. But, once again, Kevin was still having a little too wild of a time to start anything serious (and still didn't know texting during the week was required). But, this time, a few months later, Kevin texted me letting me know he was wanting to give it a real shot. So, we went out that Friday to Mirko in Vinings near my apartment.... He even asked me out for the following week and managed to text me during the workweek. BRAVO! So far we've shared 2 apartments, 1 rental home, adopted a dog, and bought our first home!
Maggie and I ran into each other at Dark Horse in the summer of 2016, that is true. I asked for her number after buying her and Laurel some shots and we went to Family Dog the following week. We dated for a few months but unbeknownst to me you’re supposed to call/texts during the week to keep a courtship going. Maggie claims she doesn’t recall, but she actually reached out to me in December of 2017 saying she missed me. I asked her to dinner after the holidays and we have been together ever since.