September 18, 2021
Camden, Ohio

Angelica Rose & Christopher Norman

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet our family and friends who will be walking down the aisle with us.

Brittany McCorkle

Matron of Honor

Brittany has been my best friend since the beginning of time, my right-hand chick. Rarely does someone get a true friend for life and Britt is one in a million. We met at the ripe old age of 2, and the rest is history. From day care to attending THE Ohio State University, we've shared every major event together. I am thrilled to share this next one together with her by my side!

Bryan Greco

Best Man

Greco was the first person I met at OU. We were neighbors in the dorm, but that wasn’t our only link. Neither of us had played rugby before, but we both came into our freshman year, planning to give it a try. Since then, we’ve had countless adventures together. Anyone who will MacGyver hangers together, jimmy them through your keyhole, and poke you awake to make sure you don’t have alcohol poisoning, is bound to be in your life forever.

Shelby Remley


Shelby is my little sister and has helped me grow in so many ways, as we continue to get closer every year. From spook walks with our Dad to ripping the snowmobiles up north, Shelby is always down for a good time. As her big sister, I couldn’t be more blessed and delighted to share my big day with her!

Patrick Hanahan


Pat and I were in diapers together, I just needed them a bit longer than he did. We went to the same daycare and were pretty much inseparable through our childhood. Pat’s family moved away before high school, but we’ve always made an effort to stay in each other’s lives. No matter how much time passes, we will always be like brothers.

Meredith Tirpak


Meredith and I met back in my book store days when I was finishing up at Ohio State. I'm so thankful that our friendship continued to grow outside of work and that it became what it is today. From projects and puzzles to floating on the quarry, Mere is always down to chill.

Kevin Martin


Frat bros need heroes, and there's only one logical place for them to look.. business frat bros. K Mart knew that his time at Ohio University was about more than self-development. He was there to build up those around him. Give them something to aspire to. So, he decided to join a business fraternity and I was lucky enough to pledge alongside him. All jokes aside, that experience helped us to develop one of the best friendships I've ever had!

Megan Schade


Schade's sister Megan has been an inspiring addition to my life. Her hard work and dedication to her career and passions is a benefit to all who know her. I'm blessed to have made so many memories with her over the years and make more in the years to come. Thankful to have her as my family and at my side on my wedding day.

David Powers


Powers was another convert to the world of rugby. He had natural athletic ability, but it was his abilities on the dance floor that really solidified our friendship. His energy is absolutely infectious. I don’t have many off days, but when I do, he can always get me back on track. He also has an uncanny ability to pump me up and get me excited about literally anything.

Erica Booker


Erica and I met in my promotional specialist days and have been friends for about six years now. Our friendship is simple, organic, and just comes naturally, which makes sense because she's my sassiest friend! Erica just opened a bar in the Cleveland Heights area, Bookers Lounge, and I couldn't be more proud. From drinking margaritas to getting random piercings, she is always down for the get down. I'm so excited to share my big day with her!

Kasey Rupp-Scott


When Angie and I got together, the Kaseman immediately made me feel like a part of the family. My boy's wicked smart, so hes always keen for a spirited debate. But he can just as easily expose my weaknesses on the ice or in a driveway basketball game. I consider a lot of my friends to be like brother, but I'm really excited to gain my first in-law version. I think bro in-law trumps regular bro, and Kasey knows all about trumps, cause he's a hell of a euchre player.

Amber Johnson


Amber is one of those timeless friends that is always there for me, regardless of how often we are able to get together. I am so excited that we live so close now and can have wine nights more often! So happy to have her by my side on my wedding day.

JT Mitchell


Apparently, JT also went to OU, but I consider that hearsay. He will tell you that I regularly kicked him out of Courtside (the bar Greco, Powers and I worked at). I genuinely don’t remember that. What I do remember, is being at the bar in Columbus and suddenly feeling like I was looking into a loud, handsome, slightly height skewing mirror. I later learned, that he is in fact, a separate person. We’ve been broing down ever since.

For all the days along the way
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