
Sayre & Christian

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Sayre Connors


Meet Sayre, the beautiful bride. She is an incredible woman and has a loving heart for every animal and human she knows (but especially the groom). She is a great baker and loves to be outside and make people laugh. Sayre is beyond excited to marry the love of her life and start this new chapter together, and wants to thank her family especially for supporting her through this entire relationship.

Christian DiPasqua


Meet Christian, the handsome groom. Quiet when he wants to be, but a riot when he starts cracking jokes, and laughing with his friends. He is most definitely the brains of this relationship, and when he isn't working on his web development business, he's at the gym, or hanging out with his Wife-to-be. He is beyond excited to marry the love of his life and start building a future with her. Although Courtney and Sam set this couple up, all the praise goes to God on this one.

Emily George

Maid of Honor

This MOH has been a part of the Brides life since the little years. She has the sweetest soul, and her love for the Lord is something to be inspired by. Her and Sayre have had so many memories together, ranging from pool party sleepovers to wrestling down the stairs. Sayre couldn't be happier to have Emily standing beside her on this big day!

Sam DiPasqua

Best Man

The Best Man and Groom have been best friends since Sam exited the womb. Being the younger sibling, Sam has had years to learn from his brothers and to become more mature than most his age would assume. Always ready to go hunting, ride a golf cart, or start a Bible study, Sam is well loved by everyone he meets.

Grace Corkery

Maid of Honor

These two have literally been bonding non stop for years, so it was a given that she had be a MOH (and they were roommates). Sayre has been one of Grace's top fans since the early days, even drawing her pictures of green horses and having her watch acting rehearsals (yes, kinda cringe, we know). These two broke girls have had some real deep conversations over overpriced lattes, and Grace will always be one of the closest gals to Sayre's heart.

Miq Connors


The brides favorite brother (only brother) and definitely the life of the party here. Miq is usually off causing trouble, cliff jumping, or mountain biking. Christian is excited to get to know Miq more as a brother-in-law and friend, and both Christian and Sayre are super blessed to have Miq as a part of their wedding!

Havey Connors


Havey is the older sister of the bride. She has know the bride the longest out of the whole party, so she knows how much crackhead energy Sayre has (watch out Christy). They didn't always get along, but age has definitely brought on a new friendship that will only continue to strengthen. These two have a shared love of coffee and late night laughs, and Sayre is very blessed to have Havey in her wedding!

Rees Trenholm


Rees is one of Christian's close friends. Rees loves the outdoors, photography, music, and being an all around cool guy. Besides being tall and good looking Rees always has something funny to share and makes everyone feel like they fit right into the party. Christian is excited to have him in the wedding and share this special day with his friends.

Courtney Wright


Where do we even start? Courtney/Cuteney is both the bride and grooms best friend. She's seen them both grow up right under her nose all the while laughing hysterically about the dumbest things. Many people think that Courtney and Christian are actually twins from separate mothers, so you can imagine that this is why they all get along so well. Her and the bride are usually spotted speeding down the highway blasting Party Rock Anthem with iced coffee's and CoreLife bowls.

Nick DiPasqua


The oldest brother of the groom has been working on a dad joke for the past... you get it. He is a very fun, lighthearted, crazy youth leader who is always down for a game (no matter the time of day). A very unique and inspiring individual, and Christian is very blessed to have him as a brother.

Quenn Connors


Quenn is the little sister of the bride and is one of the beautiful bridesmaids. This lil twerp has been a thorn in Sayre's side from the moment she was born, but she wouldn't have it any other way. If it wasn't for Q, the bride and groom most likely would have started dating much later than they did. Her and Sayre have had many a cackle standing on the edge of their beds playing "outlaws and cowboys" on Christmas Eve (a yearly tradition).

Collin Williams


Collin is very good friends with the groom and they do lots of things together like hunting, fishing, fixing cars, and cooking. You can always find them goofing off and cracking jokes whenever they're together. They share an inseparable brotherly bond with each other that is very special. Collin has a very friendly personality and is down to earth kinda guy. Christian is very excited to have him in the wedding and can't wait to share many more memories together.

Rebekah DiPasqua


This future Sister-in-law has been friends with the bride for longer than they can both remember, and they have lots of stories they could tell that would make you fall off your seats. Unlike the brothers they married/gonna marry, they can jam out to Bonnie Tyler and Abba any day of the week. Sayre can't wait to someday have garden lunch dates with Beep and watch the kids play in the dirt with the cousins.

Gabe DiPasqua


Gabe the middle child, a calm and competent man of God. He is the husband of Rebekah, and brother of Christian. The groom and him go way back and have been hunting and fitness buddies their whole childhood. They have created many memories together and share a lot in common like their hobbies, gifts and mannerisms.

Asher Higgins

Ring Bearer

Asher is the grooms nephew and has grown up around him and the bride, so he was the obvious choice for the ring bearer. Just like all of his uncles, Ash Bash is always ready to tell a joke, read a book, or play pretend that he's a lizard. We're excited to have him in the wedding, and we think he is too!

Hannah Higgins

Flower Girl

The Grooms niece was the first one in mind for a flower girl, as she is just the cutest lil nugget you ever did see! Hannah Mae is always filled with laughter and a sassy look, and can cheer you up in a second. Christian and Sayre are very excited to have her be a part of this big day!

Elsie Foster

Flower Girl

The daughter of our Pastor and Officiant. Elsie attended the camp that the bride and groom worked at, and Sayre had the pleasure of being Elsie's counselor. Always bubbly and full of laughter, this flower girl has got some flower power!

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