Andrew and Emma met in January 2018 on a walk around a frozen lake with mutual friends. Emma remembers Andrew distinctly because he offered her a granola bar. Even though she turned it down, she continued to remember him as being thoughtful, generous, and prepared for anything! But it wasn't until later in March that it occurred to Emma that Andrew would be a great guy to date. And as soon as they went swimming for the first time together... that's when it really clicked: Andrew was truly something special.
What started as a normal Thursday turned into an exciting evening when Andrew suggested taking a stroll around the ponds near their home. Emma should've been suspicious when Andrew asked to deviate from their normal paved path to hike up to a little bench lookout. But when they got to the top, Andrew turned to face Emma to ask her that simple, yet special, question: "Will you marry me?" Emma was completely taken by surprise! As soon as she got over her initial shock, she couldn't help but smile as she said "Yes!"
We are excited to begin our next adventure!