It was August 2013, Freshman year of college. We were in the same Freshman seminar group and happened to have a lot of mutual connections. At first we started out as really good friends, and then one night, during Fall break when one of the most beautiful full moons was in the sky, we decided to tell each other that we liked each other - like, a lot. After a couple of months of hanging out, getting to know one another, and some waiting on a DTR moment (from Grant... :)) we decided, while under one of the most beautiful full moons, that it was time to call it what it really was. Little did we know that we would be saying yes to the best 6 years to come. 6 years of growth, challenges, adventures, choices, and learning about all of the little things that we love most about each other. Fast forward to August of 2019. After a long night at work, I came home to a beautiful dinner being made (a recreation of the Chicken Parmesan that I had made Grant for our first Valentine's) and a dozen roses. Oh, and a very dressed up Grant. This definitely wasn't just any date night. Even though we both knew what was about to happen, and I could barely eat because I was so nervous, we still had the best conversation - one of the things I cherish most about us. After dinner, Grant took me out onto the porch, said the sweetest words, and asked me to be his wife. I couldn't wait to say yes to my best friend. We are so ready and excited to start this next season and to share all of life together!