Jordan and Katie met in drivers ed as teenagers. Jordan was the class clown who instantly grabbed Katie’s attention. However, the feelings were not mutual. Unfortunately, Jordan asked Katie if she could be his wingman to get him connected with a friend of hers in class. Jordan and Katie were always friends though. Fast forward to March 13th, 2020.. Katie messaged Jordan on Facebook and said “Happy birthday suckaaaaa!!!” Which turned into conversation. From conversation to hanging out. From hanging out to feelings. To eventually making it official in June 21st, 2020. 2 years, 2 dogs and a new home later, Jordan popped the question.
Katie was at work, excited to get off just before a big blizzard was supposed to hit. Jordan called and told Katie he wanted to go ice skating. Jordan has many quirks. Such as not cutting down a Christmas tree unless it’s snowing or there is snow on the ground, not eating cookies without microwaving them first, not watching scary movies unless it’s dark outside, the list goes on and on. So, Katie says to Jordan “you know, ice skating is not a CHRISTMAS thing, it’s a WINTER thing. We don’t have to hurry and go before Christmas.” Jordan says “c’mon babe, it will be an adventure! We’re going to have so much fun!” To which Katie reply’s “correction, you and Kamryn are going to have fun.” Reluctantly and with much attitude, Katie agrees to go ice skating in a blizzard. They get to Howard park where it is already absolutely frigidly cold, with heavy snow and high winds, you know, a BLIZZARD! They go in and put their skates on and go to hit the ice. However, no one was aware that JORDAN CANNOT ICE SKATE! Katie and Kamryn are going around the rink gracefully as Jordan barely manages with the help of a walker and a small child. Just as Katie notices Hannah, Monty, her mom, stepdad, dad, and stepmom there and turns to ask Jordan what everyone is doing there, Jordan manages to make his way down on one knee where he asks Katie to marry him. So.. here we are. ♥️