
Alexandra & Adlai

Lighted Garland


The Wedding Website of Alexandra Savinkina and Adlai Pappy
We'll be adding more FAQ as we continue planning! If you have questions which are not answered here, please feel free to reach out to Adlai or Sasha directly, or email adlaisashapappy@gmail.com.

Why Cartagena?


Why not? Our friends and family live all around the country (and beyond!) and most would be flying to any wedding location, so we thought we'd make it fun! Adlai has been to Cartagena several times and loves it, and Sasha looks forward to exploring a beautiful new city with family and friends!


Where will the wedding events take place?


The wedding events will all take place in the Old City of Cartagena- inside the walls. If you would like some help finding accommodations or activities, please contact our concierge, Two Travels (see Travel section of website for contact information).


What should we wear to the wedding?


The wedding and wedding reception will be formal events, so please dress accordingly. But it will also likely be warm, so keep that in mind. Overall, we want everyone to be comfortable and feel good. For the reception- fun long colorful dresses or cocktail dresses for women, suits (light colored might be better for the weather) or a jacket for men. For the Friday night cocktail hour and welcome party- cocktail attire, cocktail dresses for women, dress shirts for men (jacket optional).


What else can we do in Cartagena while we're here for the weekend?


Anything you want! You can explore the old city and learn the city of Cartagena, or take the time to enjoy some of the nearby beaches. If you want some help planning, please contact our (free of charge!) concierge, Two Travels, for help (see Travel section of website for contact information)!


Are kids welcome to the wedding?


We want our guests to have fun, and we're happy to welcome families! If you plan to bring your kids, just make sure you RSVP for them as well.


Will there be transportation between the wedding event spaces?


Our wedding ceremony and reception will be at different locations, but only a 3 minute walk apart! Since we expect that people will be staying in different hotels or villas around the city to suit their needs, we are not providing any transportation from accommodations to the venue but Ubers and taxis are easily available around the city.


When will YOU (Sasha and Adlai) be getting to Cartagena?


Thanks for asking! We will be arriving the Monday before the wedding, and will be spending Tuesday through Thursday on a beach nearby and getting back to Cartagena Thursday. We'd be so happy to spend some extra time with our friends, so if you want to get to Colombia a bit early and hit the beach, let us know!


What happens if we don't RSVP by October 15?


If you do not RSVP by October 15, we will mark this down as a "no" unless you let us know otherwise. We need to provide guest counts to our venue so that we can give all our guests the best experience possible!


Who can I go to with other questions?


If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out to Adlai or Sasha via phone or text, or email adlaisashapappy@gmail.com

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