April 17, 2021
Savannah, Georgia

Sara Kathryn & Peyton


Rope Decoration

Peyton Singletary


Sara Kathryn Boyles

April 17, 2021

Savannah, Georgia

How We Met- Sara Kathryn’s perspective

We met at an intramural basketball game where we played each other. I took a shot and peyton batted it down back into my face, making me cry. He tried to apologize but I wouldn’t even let him get a word out because I was so embarrassed. At every fraternity party I saw him at after that, I reminded him that I was the girl he hit in the face.

How We Met- Peyton’s perspective

Sara kathryn and I met for the first time at a basketball game. We were supposed to play Co-Ed but they had all girls and we had all guys. I noticed her before the game, she was cute and had a ton of energy. Fast forward, I’m playing defense on her and she went up for a shot. I instinctively denied her shot and accidentally hit her in the face. She cussed me out. After that, we met a few times at fraternity parties and she was always the easiest person to talk to.

How He Asked

We went out in the boat to Dog Island off of Carabelle. I was tanning on my stomach and peyton asked me to turn around. I said no and he insisted. When I finally turned around he was down on one knee and asked me to marry him. It couldn’t have been more perfect.

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