December 10, 2022
Dallas, TX

Sarah Elizabeth & Wheeler Hiroo



Meet our VIPs !! These are the most special people in our lives, and the ones who we wouldn't be here without !!

Mackensie Thomas

Matron of Honor

My best friend of 7 years, the other love of my life, and the most encouraging person I know !!

Brady Thomas

Best Man

My best friend from college. I couldn't ask for a better person in my life. From concerts to camping trips, Brady brings so much energy to the party.

Stephanie Engeleit


My soul sister, my marvel obsessed twin and one of the reasons I survived PT school !!

Joshua Smalley


My cousin, but more like a 3rd brother - and golf buddy. We've lived life together as long as I can remember.

Gabrielle Rooke


My sweet sweet 'we look like we could actually be related' angel of a friend, my concert buddy, and another reason I survived PT school !!

Michael DiStaso


My research partner, hurricane buddy, and incredible friend from grad school. Whether in the lab or exploring Orlando, Michael made grad school an awesome experience.

Claire Gerlitz


My first real friend and roommate in PT school, my favorite Delaware resident, and another reason I survived PT school !!

Matthew Ng


I couldn't have had a better roommate in Orlando. I sorely miss binging TV series and watching movies with you and Ann!

Limarys Arauz


My Latina QUEEN, my fellow cat lady, and another reason I survived PT school !!

Randy Strauss


Every crew needs a glue guy. (Uncle) Randy was the honorary member of our cohort and always made sure we had our ducks in a row. He also introduced me to budget billing and many other "adulting" things.

Caroline Bibb


The one who made me a big sister, the one with the biggest heart on planet earth, and the the one who ALWAYS hypes me up, !!

Weston Nakahara


My brother and one of my best friends. We grew up together and had the joy of spending some time together in college. As we have grown into "adults" life has only gotten more fun with Weston as a roommate this past year. I guess somethings do come full circle.

Hannah Bibb


The 'same same but different' little sister, the one who I'm never not laughing with, and the person I want to be when I grow up !!

Wilson Nakahara


We were hoping for a sister, but I am so blessed to have a brother and friend like Wilson. He has the kindest, biggest heart. It has been my privilege to watch him grow. I am always excited to receive his spontaneous face time calls when he is at Texas Tech.

For all the days along the way
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