Update: In light of COVID-19, we wanted to let you know our wedding is going forward as planned. As always, your health and safety are our top priority, and we completely understand if you’re no longer able to attend. Please just let us know as soon as possible.
Update: In light of COVID-19, we wanted to let you know our wedding is going forward as planned. As always, your health and safety are our top priority, and we completely understand if you’re no longer able to attend. Please just let us know as soon as possible.
June 19, 2021
Norfolk, VA

Sarah & Jacob



Enjoy a few photos documenting our relationship so far.
This was one of our first dates in summer 2017 at the Revivalists concert, one of our favorite bands!
This was one of our first dates in summer 2017 at the Revivalists concert, one of our favorite bands!
Jacob's first family birthday dinner for Mom in 2017!
Jacob's first family birthday dinner for Mom in 2017!
Out sailing and freezing on the Schooner Virginia in November 2017.
Out sailing and freezing on the Schooner Virginia in November 2017.
CofC Sailing Team Alumni Weekend December 2017!
CofC Sailing Team Alumni Weekend December 2017!
Jacob supporting me during my grad school graduation day, December 16, 2017!
Jacob supporting me during my grad school graduation day, December 16, 2017!
Sail Nauticus' Holiday Party 2017
Sail Nauticus' Holiday Party 2017
Our first Christmas together in Greenville headed to see the Nutcracker with Lori, Jacob's Mom!
Our first Christmas together in Greenville headed to see the Nutcracker with Lori, Jacob's Mom!
Hunkering down and trying to keep warm for the giant blizzard that blew through Norfolk in January 2018.
Hunkering down and trying to keep warm for the giant blizzard that blew through Norfolk in January 2018.
Family friend's wedding in April 2018.
Family friend's wedding in April 2018.
Couldn't fit everyone in this picture, but the end of May/beginning of June 2018 was fun hanging out with our college sailing buddies at Nationals!
Couldn't fit everyone in this picture, but the end of May/beginning of June 2018 was fun hanging out with our college sailing buddies at Nationals!
Jacob's first Frisky on the Wisky as Adult Programs Manager at Sail Nauticus.
Jacob's first Frisky on the Wisky as Adult Programs Manager at Sail Nauticus.
4th of July 2018!
4th of July 2018!
My first attempt at Jacob's favorite dessert, chocolate cheesecake, for his birthday in July 2018.
My first attempt at Jacob's favorite dessert, chocolate cheesecake, for his birthday in July 2018.
Our first family trip to South Holston Lake outside of Bristol, Tennessee, where Mom grew up, in August 2018.  Those views never get old!
Our first family trip to South Holston Lake outside of Bristol, Tennessee, where Mom grew up, in August 2018. Those views never get old!
The first picture of us with our little buddy, Boris, on a boat ride in December 2018.  We adopted him from Jacob's brother a few weeks before while in Greenville for Thanksgiving.  We love our Boris!
The first picture of us with our little buddy, Boris, on a boat ride in December 2018. We adopted him from Jacob's brother a few weeks before while in Greenville for Thanksgiving. We love our Boris!
The best night of our lives so far!  The night we got engaged, December 15, 2018.
The best night of our lives so far! The night we got engaged, December 15, 2018.
First family photo!  Christmas 2018!
First family photo! Christmas 2018!
New Year's Eve 2019 in Old Town Alexandria!
New Year's Eve 2019 in Old Town Alexandria!
My 30th Birthday Family Dinner in April 2019!
My 30th Birthday Family Dinner in April 2019!
Our trip to Germany to help celebrate Jacob's Oma and Opa's 65 Wedding Anniversary in Erdmannhausen in June 2019.  Here we are where Jacob lived the first four years of his life with his parents.
Our trip to Germany to help celebrate Jacob's Oma and Opa's 65 Wedding Anniversary in Erdmannhausen in June 2019. Here we are where Jacob lived the first four years of his life with his parents.
Nothing beats dinner by boat to The Deadrise restaurant in Hampton!  Dinner and a sunset!
Nothing beats dinner by boat to The Deadrise restaurant in Hampton! Dinner and a sunset!
Go Tides!!  Went to a game of the local minor league baseball team here in Norfolk.
Go Tides!! Went to a game of the local minor league baseball team here in Norfolk.
July 11, 2019, when I said yes to the dress that I get to marry my best friend in on June 20, 2020!  So excited and thanks ladies for helping me!
July 11, 2019, when I said yes to the dress that I get to marry my best friend in on June 20, 2020! So excited and thanks ladies for helping me!
We were on race committee for the Cape Charles Cup Regatta in August 2019.  This is us at the party before the second day.
We were on race committee for the Cape Charles Cup Regatta in August 2019. This is us at the party before the second day.
September 2019 now engaged and back at the place where we meet two years prior at the Lake Norman Special Olympics Regatta.
September 2019 now engaged and back at the place where we meet two years prior at the Lake Norman Special Olympics Regatta.
Oktoberfest 2019, sporting the German dirndl I got in June when we visited Jacob's family in Germany.
Oktoberfest 2019, sporting the German dirndl I got in June when we visited Jacob's family in Germany.
At the rehearsal dinner of our dear friends, Dylan & Julia, before we helped them get married the next day in October 2019.
At the rehearsal dinner of our dear friends, Dylan & Julia, before we helped them get married the next day in October 2019.
Being groomsman and bridesmaid in Dylan & Julia's wedding on October 10, 2020.  We clean up well!
Being groomsman and bridesmaid in Dylan & Julia's wedding on October 10, 2020. We clean up well!
One photo from out October 2019 engagement shoot on the Schooner Virginia in downtown Norfolk.  Thanks, Captain Erik for letting us borrow the boat! 😉
One photo from out October 2019 engagement shoot on the Schooner Virginia in downtown Norfolk. Thanks, Captain Erik for letting us borrow the boat! 😉
December 2019 Sail Nauticus Holiday Party.
December 2019 Sail Nauticus Holiday Party.
NYE 2020 in Richmond, Virginia at the Jefferson Hotel.
NYE 2020 in Richmond, Virginia at the Jefferson Hotel.
Sightseeing Birmingham before my cousin's wedding in March 2020.  This was a surprisingly good picture considering we both were freaking out about how high up we were on the Vulcan Tower.
Sightseeing Birmingham before my cousin's wedding in March 2020. This was a surprisingly good picture considering we both were freaking out about how high up we were on the Vulcan Tower.
Trip and Blane's Birmingham wedding in March 2020 and Jacob's first time meeting the Tennessee family!
Trip and Blane's Birmingham wedding in March 2020 and Jacob's first time meeting the Tennessee family!
Here's us getting married at our small ceremony last year on June 20, 2020.
Here's us getting married at our small ceremony last year on June 20, 2020.
Saying our prayers on the family kneeling pillow at the end of the wedding ceremony.
Saying our prayers on the family kneeling pillow at the end of the wedding ceremony.
We tied the knot!
We tied the knot!
The best wedding cake ever thanks to Incredible Edibles!
The best wedding cake ever thanks to Incredible Edibles!
Our first dance.
Our first dance.
Cutting the cake!
Cutting the cake!
On our getaway by boat! Thank you so much Harrell's for giving us a ride Downtown.
On our getaway by boat! Thank you so much Harrell's for giving us a ride Downtown.
Us at Lizzie and Gordon's Wedding in October 2020 in the Blue Ridge Mountains!
Us at Lizzie and Gordon's Wedding in October 2020 in the Blue Ridge Mountains!
Finally making the move to New Orleans with the help of my friend Julia and seeing Jacob for the first time since March 1, 2020, before the pandemic started.
Finally making the move to New Orleans with the help of my friend Julia and seeing Jacob for the first time since March 1, 2020, before the pandemic started.
Enjoying our first boat ride on Lake Pontchartrain, our backyard!
Enjoying our first boat ride on Lake Pontchartrain, our backyard!
Boris's first Lake Pontchartrain boat ride!
Boris's first Lake Pontchartrain boat ride!
Jacob gleaming over his long-awaited birthday present from July 2020!
Jacob gleaming over his long-awaited birthday present from July 2020!
Sarah with the Doll Baby crew accepting first place at the 2020 J22 Midwinters Championship at SYC.
Sarah with the Doll Baby crew accepting first place at the 2020 J22 Midwinters Championship at SYC.
Sarah's 32nd and first birthday in New Orleans at Jacques Imo's Restaurent.
Sarah's 32nd and first birthday in New Orleans at Jacques Imo's Restaurent.
Finding one of his new "happy" places in NOLA, Second Line Brewery.
Finding one of his new "happy" places in NOLA, Second Line Brewery.
For all the days along the way
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