Please call the hotel directly to receive the room block rate. CONFIRMATION NUMBER: 3391202337 Shuttle services will be provided from/to this hotel.
Please use the link provided to book a hotel room in our reserved room block. Reservations must be made by August 22nd, 2023.
September 23, 2023 2:30 pm - 3:45 pm
A shuttle will be provided from the Tru by Hilton hotel to the ceremony/reception at The Sinclair of Skaneateles. It will provide one trip to the venue at 3:15pm
September 23, 2023 9:45 pm - 10:45 pm
A shuttle will be provided from the Sinclair of Skaneateles to the Tru by Hilton hotel. It will provide two trips, first trip departing at 9:30pm and second trip departing roughly at 10:30pm