Sarah and Amber matched on Tinder. Amber got Sarah’s attention by sending the world’s best pick-up line… “Hi.” How original! After texting every day for a couple of weeks, they decided to meet for their first date at the ever so romantic pub in Manchester - The Wild Rover. Their first date lasted six hours and consisted of a little bar hopping, and Sarah chatting Amber’s ear off. As cliche as it sounds, they each knew immediately that there was love in the air. From that first date on, they were inseparable. Sarah soon moved back to NH from CT and the two moved into an apartment together. Fast-forward over five years later (or six years by the time their wedding date arrives), they have built a life together full of laughs with their close-knit group of friends and family, obsessing over their dog Bella, working to build their business, and planning their next adventure - to tie the knot in paradise!