4:00 pm
This event is very casual and not required whatsoever!! If you happen to be in town early, and wanna hang out with us this is where we will be :) We will not be providing food or drinks for anyone this night.. But we would appreciate if you opened a tab and bought us a round or 2 ;)
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
We will provide food, beer & wine at this event. RSVP is also required so we can let the hotel know how many people will be coming :)
5:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Semi-Formal: Suits and cocktail dresses!
We will have a buffet style menu & of course, an open bar!
10:30 pm
The hotel bar will be open for us, and it's a cash bar. Pizza will also be provided by the Snedeker's :)