Please RSVP by Sept 19th, 2021 (2 weeks before the event) or we can't guarantee there will be enough food for you!
no jeans is the biggest thing for us! we would prefer dark, spooky, Halloween or costumes. we're having a costume contest!
this one is kind of up to each guest. there are a few kids we couldn't imagine not having there, but we're also going to have alcohol and want adults to have fun + let loose. it's also literally steps away from the ocean. if you'd rather have a relaxing date night without the kids, leave 'em with a sitter. want to bring them? just stick 'em in a costume and let them come along!
please tell us about any allergies! we will have sugar free donuts, gluten free pizza, non dairy options, vegetarian (but not vegan) and non tomato options but if we are missing something, please let us know.
please run it by Sam + Kevin first if you would like to bring a date that wasn't originally invited. :) it's not a no, it's a maybe!
everyone knows as well as we do that Maine weather is super unpredictable. we're hoping for the best so we can have the festivities outside with the gorgeous views, but will encourage long johns under clothes! or at least packed, so if it's chilly people can put them on.
umm.. Sam and Kevin? it shouldn't be any surprise, but Sam isn't ditching White. she'll be hypenating and would really prefer if no one ever calls her Mrs. Kevin Guyan.. we're getting married, not becoming one person or time traveling back to the 40s. if you need to know how to address cards, first names only is perfect for us, or if you *insist* on being super formal, Mr. Kevin Guyan + Ms. Samantha White-Guyan will be just fine.