What could have happened years ago, was meant to be only now. We both grew up in eastern Washington and went to the same college, Washington State University, from 2009-2012. Both being involved in Christian college ministry, just different organizations. Around a decade later, we found ourselves settling in Redding, CA, feeling the tug to join Bethel Church. I (Ryan) tried a crack at online dating. Thank God it landed me the opportunity that almost didn't happen because Marissa was about to delete the app! After the third date I (Ryan) was pretty convinced this relationship could go somewhere. I leaned in for a kiss, but Marissa didn't want to kiss until she was exclusively dating. I thought it was a suggestion, but Marissa thought she was stating a boundary! Therefore a miscommunication is what ironically got things off to a more serious start. Miscommunication wasn't a good precedent... I waited 3 months to savor that first kiss. Marissa has effortlessly matched every expectation and desire I (Ryan) have had for a lifelong partner. The more we talked and dreamed together, the more that it was evident that our relationship was the safest and purest form. More lessons were learned when buying a ring. I wasn't going to make the mistake of getting something she didn't want. Going to the ring store on a harmless whim, with 15 minutes left before the store closes, Marissa chooses THE ring. She can make up her mind fast, and I better be prepared for the consequences! Now the pressure was on to have the proposal planned. Good thing I already started writing a song and was getting it recorded with a friend. The night before the big day, Marissa expressed her sorrow for not having been proposed to already. But with her roommate's help, a blanket with roses and candles were prepped on the Bluffs overlooking Redding (the location of our 3rd date that got me hooked in the first place!), and a heartfelt song echoed over the cliffs to declare the longing in my heart to be joined to someone so amazing. Thank you for joining with us to celebrate a dream that God has orchestrated. To celebrate the union of two souls that believed in faith that God has His best prepared for our future.