We ran into each other with mutual friends at the apple store and didn't think much of it. A few weeks later, we ran into each other again at the restaurant Ryan was working at. After that, I was on his radar until he asked me to go to coffee with him in October. To him, that meant a date. To me, that meant another Tuesday at a coffee shop with a friend. But of course, I thought he was cute! Well, 3 hours of sitting on the coffee shop patio and 2 hours of walking around Target later, we found some cheesy mugs that said "hello gorgeous" and "hey handsome" to let each other know we were into one another. And now, here we are...
My Christmas gift from Ryan was in a giant box (oven sized) with a pull tab that said: "open here". It opened like a dishwasher and the only thing in the box was the "hello gorgeous" coffee mug from our first date. Ryan's dog and I climbed in the box to grab it and saw the ring box inside of the mug. I slowly, and nervously, turned around to see Ryan down on one knee asking me to marry him.