Most of you know Ryan and I grew up together in Iowa. We weren't close friends, but we hung around a lot of the same people, and graduated the same class. After we graduated, we didn't keep in touch but were both back in Clear Lake for the 4th of July, 2014. At the time, I lived in Arizona, and he lived in Los Angeles. I commented on a photo of his Chevelle on Facebook, and he asked me out to catch up over beers. We ended up closing the bar down, and hanging out again the next day. I told my cousin Becky, "I know it sounds crazy, but I have this overwhelming feeling that I'm going to marry him." A week later, his dad and him drove the Chevelle from Iowa to LA, and they made a pitstop in Arizona to take me for that ride in his car. We managed to get through 7 months of long distance dating, when I made the decision to move to Los Angeles to be with him. A year later Macys moved us to Illinois, where we bought our first home. A year after that, we were both laid off from our jobs in the same week, and that's when we decided to make Edgehill Designs a full time thing, and boy are we glad we did!