For your convenience, you can book with Judy Norman at Classy Destinations, 478-812-8747. Or you are welcome to book directly through the Sandals Website. Be certain your passport does not expire in 2024! Thursday, June 13th Wedding celebrations begin by the pool! Friday, June 14th Wedding Pre-Party at 7pm, Royal Village Garden Gazebo. Saturday, June 15th Wedding Ceremony at 5pm on Sandals' private island, Barefoot Cay. We hope to see you there!
For those who are booking online, Please book by March 29th to receive the group rate. If any members would prefer to call in to book a reservation instead of booking online, they will need the Group Booking Code "90F" for your group block. The guests booking by phone will need to provide this code (90F) to take advantage of the special group rate. While listening to the automated service, they will need to choose the option for "New Reservations" to speak with one of our booking representatives. The phone number is 478-477-9776. This reservation is for April 20th for King Rooms and King Studios, for the night of the engagement party! Hope to see you all there.
This discount code is for 1 King Bed, this block of rooms is for April 19-21. Hope to see you all there.