We matched on Hinge and after maybe 10 hours of messaging James asked me to dinner! OU softball was playing for a national championship so I used that as an excuse to buy some time before meeting! I finally gave in and we went to Lazy Dog and stayed for hours! After that we pretty much were inseparable and never looked back!
This will always be one of our favorite stories. We were going to New York for my birthday and it is my FAVORITE place so I just knew he would propose. The week before he gave me a heads up that he was not proposing so I could mentally prepare and I was so disappointed. All week my best friend kept trying to get me to get my nails done and I was avoiding it because I didn’t want to pay the money if I wasn’t getting engaged. I finally gave in after she sent me money as a “birthday gift” to get them done (which I now know it was money James transferred her to convince me). Once we got there, he knew he was going to propose at Grand Central Station but every time we went something came up. I made it pretty difficult for him to get the perfect moment after too many martinis one night, and my phone dying the next. The last possible moment he asked for us to take one more picture and when we did that’s when he got on one knee! Best moment ever!