It's about time to start booking travel! We recommend looking at AirBnB, VRBO, and checking out the local inns and cabins. There are a lot of great options within just a few minutes of the venue.
It's about time to start booking travel! We recommend looking at AirBnB, VRBO, and checking out the local inns and cabins. There are a lot of great options within just a few minutes of the venue.
November 1, 2024
Idyllwild, CA

Rachael & Ray



If you have any other questions that aren't mentioned here, text the bride or groom! You can also reach us (let's be real...you can reach Rachael) at rach.ray2024@gmail.com.

Wait, aren't you guys married already?


In California, we were registered as domestic partners and enjoyed a married level of commitment without breaking the bank for a ceremony, but we always planned on having a wedding at some point. Now that we're in Minnesota, our domestic partnership is no longer recognized and it's time for the real deal!


What's the venue like? And the weather?


Our venue is the cutest little cabin up in the mountains just west of Palm Springs. Weather permitting, the majority of the evening will be outdoors in the forested back yard. There's a link to their website on the Travel page if you want to check out some photos. We don't expect it to be Minnesota cold, but it does get chilly at night! Idyllwild averages a high of 63 and a low of 35 in November. We'll also have propane heaters and blankets available.


How fancy is this going to be?


Wear whatever makes you feel pretty! Maybe leave the ripped jeans and flip flops at home, but there's no need to buy something brand new or break out your stilettos. Keep in mind that we'll be outdoors and any sharp heels might sink into the ground. We'd like your ankles to remain intact.


How about the kids?


We love your little ones, but this will be an adults-only event!


Why did you choose this font that's impossible to read?


Well, it looked pretty on the home page and now I'm committed. Sorry.


Are there any logistical details I need to know?


- There is no parking at the venue itself. There is an off-site parking lot and a free shuttle - details are under the Travel tab. If you're staying close by and wearing comfortable shoes, feel free to walk over. It's a beautiful area and worth taking a moment to explore. - It's an open bar! However, as former bartenders ourselves, we want to remind you to be responsible drinkers and be respectful to the bartenders. Cash tips are always appreciated and we've asked that the bartenders at the wedding have their Venmo posted and accessible for you cash-free folks. - Rachael had only two non-negotiable items for the wedding: trees and tacos. We'll be enjoying some amazing Mexican food for dinner! If you have dietary concerns, text Rachael or email rach.ray2024@gmail.com and she'll help you figure out what options will be available. - Since we've moved to Minnesota and will be flying out to the wedding, we are unable to transport gifts from the venue to our home. We have a few cash funds set up under our registry, and we ask that any physical gifts be mailed directly to our new home in Saint Paul.

For all the days along the way
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