Oct 4th, 2015 - Ross gets stuck at LaGuardia for 6 hours and decides to swipe, swipe, baby. Antonela comes across some guy whose eyelashes looked too good to be true and decides to find out what the deal is. A: “Nice eyelashes” R: “Nice dimples” A: “How’s Pawnee?” It turns out the guy lived in Indiana and was on his way back. They share similar taste in music. pawnee4eva is born on Soundcloud and it marks the beginning of their friendship. 2.5 years later of Ross randomly sharing songs, Bumble horror stories and a few FaceTime calls, Antonela gets drunk and buys Ross a plane ticket to go to NYC to visit her. Jul 13th, 2018 - Ross arrives to NYC. They both go to a Rayland Baxter show and Ross (under the influence of alcohol) asks Antonela to be his girlfriend. They’ve been together ever since.