
Olivia & Ronald

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Olivia Misterovich


Ronald Stencel

September 21, 2024

Grand Blanc, MI
11 days11 d23 hours23 h34 minutes34 min17 seconds17 s

When We Met

A long time ago in a zip code far, far away

The boys went ding-dong ditching. To settle the nerves of the first timers, Jakob suggested they start at his mom's house. They agreed, ran over there, rang the doorbell, and got caught immediately. As they were walking up to the house, Olivia came to the front window and called the boys over. As the boys were walking up to the window Olivia asked, "ooh, who's the new boy?" As Ronny began to introduce himself, Jakob tackled him and yelled, "get him outta here! Go! Go! Go!" The boys helped them up and they all ran away, unscathed from the witch's powers.

When we fell

A short time ago, in a zip code farther away

Olivia and Christian were renting a house in Ferndale. They hosted many parties and after parties. At each party Ronny and Olivia's feelings grew for each other. They began texting more, actual wholesome conversations, not just what the next event would be. Their feelings continued to grow. They still hadn't hung out alone in person because of Ronny's perpetual fear of that woman. But once they started cuddling at parties it was game over for Ronald. Olivia used to be one of the last people awake at parties, but this usually meant that some friends would have already passed out in her bed. Or this meant Olivia told them to take her bed so she could sleep next to Ronny. So when Olivia would be "stranded" she'd find her way to Ronny's usual spot, which was the floor under the kitchen table. This went on for months before they decide to go out on a date, which happened to be Valentine's Day 2020. Shortly after our first date, Covid hit. So after all the effort made to take their relationship slow, they moved in together immediately and became one of those weird codependent covid couples but wouldn't have it any other way.

When we engaged

A shorter time ago in zip code two over

Olivia and Ronny were skiing Pine Knob as often as they could, adding more memories to an already special place. Ronny knew he wanted to propose to Olivia there, he also knew Olivia would like something like that since he heard about her ideal engagement for the previous six months. So the Tuesday between Christmas and New Year, Olivia, Ronny, and a bunch of friends went skiing together, to propose to Olivia. Mitch, Ronny's brother, was holding on to the ring because for the previous few months, Olivia would pat Ronny down everytime they were out. Even though she did the pat-downs she wanted to be surprised, so everyone kept her distracted and played it off as a normal ski day. We went skiing for a couple hours to give friends and family time to get to the lodge to share the special moment with us. Once it was time, everyone was at the bottom of the hill, Mitch skied the engagement ring over to Ronny, and he called Olivia over to him. She said no. Ronny said just for a second. Olivia said no, I want to go back up. Ronny said fine let's just take a pull first and then we'll go up. Olivia said no, I don't want a shot. Ronny was out of ideas, but thankfully the friends were there to delivery our specialty: peer pressure. Everyone was cheering Olivia on to go over to Ronny before we went up the hill. She finally agreed and scooted over to him. Once she made it over he took a knee and proposed. Olivia said yes and the newly engaged couple celebrated together and with the friends on the hill. Olivia then saw more friends and family were coming out of the lodge to celebrate and was excited to see them there. Then she looked up at the lodge and saw more friends and family cheering her on. We went inside the lodge to celebrate with everyone. Ronny and Olivia were truly grateful to have so many loved ones there to witness and celebrate with them. After all was said and done, we all watched the impromptu slush bowl at the bottom of the hill that was caused by Olivia's tears. The end.

For all the days along the way
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