September 21, 2024
Kansas City, MO

Lexie & Austin


Lexie Roeder


Austin Eck

September 21, 2024

Kansas City, MO
3 days3 d10 hours10 h28 minutes28 min5 seconds5 s

How We Met


Austin and Lexie met through their mutual friends, Zach and Kylie. Zach and Austin met in college at Kansas State and Lexie and Kylie met during their first year of medical school. Zach and Kylie would frequently host Chiefs watch parties.. Austin would always attend these events, and Lexie would often stop by for a study break. One night, after a wedding at White Iron Ridge (this is a very full circle moment for us!!), Austin, Zach, and Kylie met up with Lexie. Austin and Lexie immediately hit it off. After realizing they had similar senses of humor, aspirations, and values, they started their relationship- and the rest is history! Lexie and Austin quickly adopted a puppy, Quinn, together and moved in together to raise her. They have been nearly inseparable ever since.

The Proposal


Austin (falsely) told Lexie that they had a rehearsal dinner in River Market Friday night for his Uncle Tom and Aunt Jenny's wedding the following day. Austin told Lexie they needed to show up early to get some family pictures. As Lexie and Austin walked up to the park (the supposed family photo location), Lexie quickly realized that no other family members were present. Austin led Lexie to a picnic blanket that was set up with champagne, flowers, and a photo of their dog, Quinn, with a ring box on her nose that said "Will you marry me?". Lexie turned to Austin and he was down on one knee, asking her to marry him. Then, the biggest surprise of all happened. Lexie's parents, best friends, Austin's parents, sister, and grandparents all ran out from behind a truck that they had been hiding behind to surprise and congratulate them. Austin had secretly planned to have Lexie's family and friends arrive early to surprise her. He even asked a former colleague to hide in the park and photograph the proposal. The Eck family planned an amazing engagement party Friday night after the proposal, ensuring all of the important people in Austin and Lexie's life were invited. After Tom and Jenny's wedding Saturday, Austin and Lexie moved to Denver bright and early on Sunday morning where they are currently living! What a busy weekend they had!

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