Best Man
Brother of the groom Smoking pork at the lake on a nice summer night
Maid of Honor
best friends since 1994, regular girls trips since 1998, hamster of the family, college roommate, post college roommate, and life consultant celebrating Kathleen's bachelorette at Grand View Lodge
Friends from working in the trenches at Wells Fargo Making venison brats from a deer Corey harvested
best friend, Little Cub (former YMCA camper), college roommate, and former tenant of the bride bridesmaids for Brittany's wedding at the Hewing Hotel
best friend from college hiking through Mark Twain state forest
best friend, co-founder of the Annual Christmas Fondue Party, and college roommate of the bride bridesmaids at Stout's Island Lodge for Beth's wedding
brother of the bride, played D1 soccer at Drake where his dynamic plays increased attendance from 250 to allegedly 500 living their best lives on Easter
sister-in-law to the bride, Mississippi River Enthusiast, and cocktail maker just schooling everyone in mini golf at the Puttery
best friend in college enjoying Kyle's bachelor party
sister-in-law of the groom, wine enthusiast, and fellow Trout Lake Lily Pad Floater all smiles after making the world's largest charcuterie board at Thanksgiving 2023
best friend of the groom from high school Average Joe's from Halloween 2022, the night Rob and Callie met
best friend, former tenant, college roommate of the bride, and fellow Homes By Architects patron since 2008. enjoying Key West at Beth's bachelorette party
best friend of the groom from high school team photo from Halloween 2022
best friend and college roommate of the bride, lawyer of the bride, original owner of Sistah Island (with her husband Brett) where many fun celebrations have occurred. enjoying some beverages on the floating Tiki Bar on Lake Minnetonka