Riley and my story begins in Port Maria, Jamaica. Riley was attending a mission trip as a freshman and I was leading as a sophomore. I first noticed Riley in a meeting leading up to the trip. I asked James (my roommate, best friend and by happenstance, Riley's small group leader) who she was and told him I thought she was cute. Before too long, both of us were flying to Jamaica to spend all week with each other (and 85 other people). Our interactions on the trip were sparse since we were never put on the same worksite, but the time we did have together left a big impact on both of us. One of our first interactions was in line for breakfast on the first workday, where Riley later told me that she remembered she thought I was so cool as we talked (she has now changed her opinion on how cool I am). I remember thinking how much life Riley's smile brought to whatever room she walked into. She was always so inviting to everyone, and no matter who she talked to, she always made you feel like she was interested in what you had to say and that you were loved. It is one of the first things I loved about her (including her gorgeous baby blue eyes and perfect smile). After Jamaica, I didn’t get the chance to talk to her much because we came back to a quarantined and very different world thanks to the first big wave of COVID. However, as God would have it, Riley and my story together was not done. We began in the fall of 2020 to start keeping in touch with each other again, out of the blue. We got to hang out once in person towards the end of the fall semester, and I came back from Christmas break set on seeing her more. During the beginning of the spring semester, Riley's roommates invited me to her birthday party which happened to be the same day as my birthday too! Soon after that, I asked Riley to go on a walk with me at my favorite park. We walked in the early spring air and had such an easy and exciting time talking about life and anything else that came to mind. I was so comfortable around her (although I was still very nervous to be walking with a girl as beautiful inside and out as Riley). Toward the end of the walk, Riley and I were trying to get over a puddle and to this day we argue about who held whose hand first. But unimportant details aside, we ended a perfect walk in the park with an even more perfect walk, now holding hands. When we got into the car I asked Riley if she would want to go on an official date with me soon. On March 4, 2021 Riley and I went on our first date. I picked her up in my little red car, we listened to the Beatles, and drove to Maepole to eat. After we finished eating, we went to another park in Athens, walking and holding hands and talking away. Before I dropped her off at her house after the date, I told her that I really liked her and asked if she would be my girlfriend. The rest is history. Now I can say that I love her (and I also really like her still too) and I am so excited to call her my wife on June 30th and spend our forever together :) ~The Groom