August 6, 2021
Grand Rapids, MI

paige & nate


we can't wait to celebrate with you

Nate Rieger


Paige Wilson


August 6, 2021

Grand Rapids, MI

August 7, 2020

Ferndale, MI

We loved our first year at our apartment, but we knew we needed a bit more space and a change of scenery! On August 7, we moved to a beautiful townhouse in Ferndale, MI. We’ve absolutely loved the neighborhood, and the dogs are very excited to be around more trees and fellow pups!

May 4, 2020


After a year of fostering several dogs and helping to find their forever homes, a chihuahua-iggy mix (yup, a “chiggy”) stole our hearts. We became foster fails again when we adopted Ziggy on May 4, 2020.

October 12, 2019


On a trip to the Anna Scripps Whitcomb Conservatory on Belle Isle, Paige was mesmerized by all of the plants as Nate and Claire sweat over finding a perfect spot to pop the question. Paige was completely surprised when she turned to see Nate getting down on one knee.

August, 2019

Corktown, MI

Our transition out of Ann Arbor was gradual as we moved Nate’s things into Paige’s college place for a few months (and eventually moved in with Grandma Rieger for a couple weeks!) But after the summer, we got our first apartment together in Corktown, MI.

May, 2019

senior year & Jazz

We spent our senior year at Michigan finishing our thesis projects (Paige sewed over 50 stuffed letters, and Nate made and pressed a vinyl record!), and we graduated in the Big House on May 4, 2019. But right before graduation, Nate wouldn’t stop showing Paige rescue dogs online – and Paige finally gave in to fostering one. That idea quickly went out the window when, after just a few days, we realized we wouldn't be able to give Jazz away. We officially became foster fails when we adopted Jazz on May 11, 2019.

April 13, 2018

officially dating

After several months of shared art classes, too many (extremely competitive) games of air hockey, and adventuring around Ann Arbor; we started dating on April 13, 2018.

August, 2017

junior year

In August of the following year, Paige returned from studying abroad in Copenhagen, close friends with fellow art student, Claire. Nate and Claire had been friends for the past several years, and Claire quickly introduced the two of us.

September, 2016

sophomore year

After a year of casually passing each other in the hallways of Stamps, the University of Michigan’s art school, we had our first studio together sophomore year – introduction to printmaking.

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For all the days along the way
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