August 9, 2019
Pittsburgh, PA

Melissa & Eric

    Nothing Fancy Just LOVE


Your presence is present enough for us! If you'd like to give a gift we are requesting donations for the Alzheimer's Association of Greater Pittsburgh. You can make your donations here: https://act.alz.org/site/Donation2?df_id=32112&32112.donation=form1&s_affid=157&_ga=2.244485829.1949410524.1560784561-1525542004.1560784561
The Alzheimer's Association- PA Chapter
Instead of asking for gifts, we are requesting you pay that forward to a very near and dear cause, The Alzheimer's Association-PA Chapter. Our Big Dave currently suffers with this disease that is not only difficult for the person who has it but the caregivers as well! We hope to raise money to assist in finding a cure and help other caregivers with resources necessary to be able to survive this difficult and long process. Please follow the link and donate in honor of Big Dave! He has taught both Eric and I so much in life including love without barriers.
For all the days along the way
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